PCR Starter Kit 是賽默飛MiniAmp Plus,SimpliAmp, Veriti Fast,VeritiPro, ProFlex PCR儀實驗啟動所需的PCR管和PCR反應板樣品準備及反應容器操作輔助工具、耗材組合套裝。
商品名稱:PCR Starter Kit
制造商:美國賽默飛(Thermo Fisher)公司
品 牌:Applied Biosystems/ABI
PCR Starter Kit ,即PCR儀啟動工具套件,是指為PCR實驗工作啟動所需的PCR管和PCR反應板樣品準備及PCR運行前后反應容器操作所需的輔助工具、耗材組合套裝包。提供套件是為了確保樣品高效、均勻的熱傳導和PCR實驗結果準確一致。
1、MiniAmp Plus PCR Starter Kit
適用于賽默飛MiniAmp、MiniAmp Plus PCR儀。
2、96-Well 0.2mL PCR Starter Kit
適用于賽默飛SimpliAmp、Veriti 96-Well、VeritiPro 96-Well、Proflex 96-Well PCR儀,也適用于雙96孔0.2mL模塊PCR儀。
3、96-Well dual 0.2mL blocks Starter Kit
為雙96孔0.2mL PCR儀標準配置,同時也適用于SimpliAmp、Veriti 96-Well、VeritiPro 96-Well 、Proflex Veriti 96-Well PCR儀
4、3×32孔0.2mL PCR Starter Kit
適用于賽默飛3×32孔ProFlex PCR儀。
5、96-Well Fast PCR Starter Kit
適用于配置0.1mL模塊的賽默飛Veriti 96-Well Fast 、ProFlex 96-Well Fast PC儀。
6、384-Well PCR Starter Kit
適用于賽默飛Veriti 384-well、VeritiPro 384-well、dual 384-well ProFlex PCR儀。
7、60-Well 0.5mL PCR Starter Kit
適用于賽默飛GeneAmp 9700 60-well、Veriti 60-well PCR儀。
品名 | 品牌 | 貨號 | 規格 | 描述 | 報價 |
MiniAmp/MiniAmp Plus PCR儀 啟動套件 | ABI | - | 1 Set | MiniAmp / MiniAmp Plus PCR Starter Kit contains: MicroAmp Optical 8-Tube Strip with attached optical caps, 0.2mL (A30588)/12 pcs MicroAmp Splash-Free 96-well Base (4312063)/1 pc MicroAmp 96-well Tray/Retainer Set (4381850)/1 pc MicroAmp 96-Well Tray for VeriFlex Blocks (4379983)/1 pc | - |
96×0.2mL模塊PCR儀 啟動套件 | ABI | - | 1 Set | PCR Starter Kit For Applied Biosystems 96-well 0.2 mL blocks contains: MicroAmp EnduraPlate Optical 96-Well Clear Reaction Plates with Barcode (4483354)/3 pcs MicroAmp Clear Adhesive Film (4306311)/5 pcs MicroAmp 8-Cap Strip, clear (N8010535)/12 pcs MicroAmp TriFlex 3×32-Well Reaction Plate (A32810)/3 pcs MicroAmp 32-Well Clear Adhesive Film (A32812)/10 pcs MicroAmp 8-Tube Strip with attached domed caps, 0.2mL (A30589)/12 pcs MicroAmp Splash-Free 96-well Base (4312063)/1 pc MicroAmp 96-well Tray/Retainer Set (4381850)/1 pc MicroAmp 96-Well Tray for VeriFlex Blocks (4379983)/1 pc MicroAmp Cap Installing Tool (4330015)/1 pc MicroAmp Adhesive Film Applicator (4333183)/1 pc MicroAmp Multi Removal Tool (4313950)/1 pc | - |
雙96×0.2mL 模塊PCR儀 啟動套件 | ABI | - | 1 Set | Dual 96-well 0.2mL blocks PCR Starter Kit contains: MicroAmp EnduraPlate Optical 96-Well Clear Reaction Plates with Barcode (4483354)/3 pcs MicroAmp Clear Adhesive Film (4306311)/5 pcs MicroAmp 8-Cap Strip, clear (N8010535)/12 pcs MicroAmp TriFlex 3×32-Well Reaction Plate (A32810)/3 pcs MicroAmp 32-Well Clear Adhesive Film (A32812)/10 pcs MicroAmp 8-Tube Strip with attached domed caps, 0.2mL (A30589)/12 pcs MicroAmp Splash-Free 96-well Base (4312063)/1 pc MicroAmp 96-well Tray/Retainer Set (4381850)/2 pcs MicroAmp 96-Well Tray for VeriFlex Blocks (4379983)/2 pcs MicroAmp Cap Installing Tool (4330015)/1 pc MicroAmp Adhesive Film Applicator (4333183)/1 pc MicroAmp Multi Removal Tool (4313950)/1 pc | - |
3×32孔ProFlex PCR儀 啟動套件 | ABI | - | 1 Set | 3×32-well 0.2mL blocks PCR Starter Kit contains: MicroAmp Splash-Free 96-well Base (4312063)/1 pc MicroAmp 3×32-Well Retainer (4481669)/3 pcs MicroAmp Cap Installing Tool (4330015)/1 pc MicroAmp Adhesive Film Applicator (4333183)/1 pc MicroAmp Multi Removal Tool (4313950)/1 pc MicroAmp TriFlex 3×32-Well Reaction Plate (A32810)/3 pcs MicroAmp 32-Well Clear Adhesive Film (A32812)/10 pcs MicroAmp 8-Cap Strip, clear (N8010535)/12 pcs MicroAmp 8-Tube Strip with attached domed caps, 0.2mL (A30589)/12 pcs | - |
96×0.1mL模塊PCR儀 啟動套件 | ABI | - | 1 Set | ?96-well Fast PCR Starter Kit contains: MicroAmp Splash-Free 96-well Base (4312063)/1 pc MicroAmp 96-Well Tray for VeriFlex Blocks (4379983)/1 pc MicroAmp Cap Installing Tool (4330015)/1 pc MicroAmp Adhesive Film Applicator (4333183)/1 pc MicroAmp Multi Removal Tool (4313950)/1 pc ?MicroAmp EnduraPlate Optical 96-Well Fast Clear Reaction Plates with Barcode (4483485)/3 pcs MicroAmp Fast 8-Tube Strip, 0.1 mL (4358293)/12 pcs MicroAmp Clear Adhesive Film (4306311)/5 pcs MicroAmp 8-Cap Strip, clear (N8010535)/12 pcs MicroAmp Fast Reaction Tube with Cap, 0.1mL (4358297)/12 pcs | - |
384孔PCR儀 啟動套件 | ABI | - | 1 Set | 384-well blocks PCR Starter Kit contains: MicroAmp Adhesive Film Applicator (4333183)/1 pc MicroAmp Multi-Removal Tool (4313950)/1 pc ?MicroAmp EnduraPlate Optical 384-Well Clear Reaction Plates with Barcode (4483285)/5 pcs MicroAmp Clear Adhesive Film (4306311)/5 pcs | - |
0.5mL模塊PCR儀 啟動套件 | ABI | - | 1 Set | 60-well 0.5mL block PCR Starter Kit contains: GeneAmp Thermal Isolation Frame (4308927)/1 pc ?GeneAmp Thin-Walled Reaction Tube, with flat cap, 0.5mL (N8010737)/200 pcs | - |
賽默飛0.5mL PCR模塊反應管支架
0.5mL PCR反應管支架|功能用途
賽默飛9700 PCR儀反應管支架
2720/9700 PCR管支架|功能用途
賽默飛0.1mL PCR反應管支架